Magma transport and storage through the Earth’s crust

Volcanoes are the lifeblood of the planet; the earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and crust are all made of materials that were delivered from the mantle to the surface through volcanoes. Fluids in the lithosphere directly influence magmatism, especially at subduction zones where most explosive volcanic eruptions take place. This combination of magmatism and a shallow water cycle promotes life, plate tectonics, weathering-climate feedbacks, and the formation of economically critical ore deposits.

My research group is focused on answering one of the most important questions in earth science: How are magmas and fluids transported and stored throughout the crust and how do they interact?

Our primary methods of research include:

  • Field-based geological investigations

  • Development of physics-based models

  • Integration of geophysical and geological data through numerical models


Current Team

  • Meredith Townsend


  • Gui Aksit


  • Kathryn Scholz


  • Rebecca Bussard



    Ana Mercedes Colón Umpierre
    Master’s Degree 2021

    Catherine O’Hara
    Undergraduate Honors Thesis 2021
    now at University of Iceland


  1. Timescales of dike growth and chamber deflation constrain magma storage and transport pathways during Kīlauea’s 2018 lower East Rift Zone intrusion
    Meredith Townsend, Mong-Han Huang
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2022

  2. Linking surface deformation to thermal and mechanical magma chamber processes
    Meredith Townsend
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022

  3. The build-up and triggers of volcanic eruptions
    Luca Caricchi, Meredith Townsend, Eleonora Rivalta, Atsuko Namiki
    Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2021

  4. A critical magma chamber size for volcanic eruptions
    Meredith Townsend, Christian Huber
    Geology, 2020

  5. Optimal depth of subvolcanic magma chamber growth controlled by volatiles and crust rheology
    Christian Huber, Meredith Townsend, Wim Degruyter, Olivier Bachmann
    Nature Geoscience, 2019

  6. Magma chamber growth during intercaldera periods: Insights from thermo‐mechanical modeling with applications to Laguna del Maule, Campi Flegrei, Santorini, and Aso
    Meredith Townsend, Christian Huber, Wim Degruyter, Olivier Bachmann
    Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019

  7. Fluid-filled fractures in Earth's lithosphere: gravitational loading, interpenetration, and stable height of dikes and veins
    David D Pollard, Meredith Townsend
    Journal of Structural Geology, 2018

  8. Modeling Thermal Pressurization Around Shallow Dikes Using Temperature‐Dependent Hydraulic Properties: Implications for Deformation Around Intrusions
    Meredith Townsend
    Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 2018

  9. Mechanical models for dikes: a third school of thought
    Meredith Townsend, David D Pollard, Richard P Smith
    Tectonophysics, 2017

  10. Jointing around magmatic dikes as a precursor to the development of volcanic plugs
    Meredith Townsend, David D Pollard, Kendra Johnson, Cansu Culha
    Bulletin of Volcanology, 2015